Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The online baby book continues.

During my 12th and 13th weeks I...
found out I weigh 13 pounds, 13 ounces.
found out I am 25.25 inches long.
found a pacifier in my crib and stuck it in my mouth.
turned three months old.
noticed my feet.
started grabbing my feet.
started grabbing Mommy's arm when she carries me.
started rolling.
worked on my crawling skills-I get around by pushing myself on on my tummy with my legs while doing a face plant.
increased my ability to reach for toys, grab them, and shake them.
petted Buddy (on accident, but Buddy really liked it).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life is good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Staying Home

A choice we made when we were deciding where to make a home and raise a family. This is one of the main reasons why we chose to move to Bakersfield.

When I started telling people at work that I was going to stay home with my baby, the majority of them said how great staying home is. They said how it is best for children. Most of them (women) said how they stayed home or wished they could. Believe me, I have worked in a really good preschool/daycare and there was a definite difference in the emotional stability of the kids who were there half day versus full day, so I knew what they were saying. But did I really believe it?
Then there were the people (usually men) that said, "Won't you get bored?" Of course I said no, but I really wasn't sure.
Let me tell you--after 12 weeks, I am anything but bored. I'll admit, the first couple weeks were tough. Anyone who saw me during this time will verify that I had a difficult time with the transition. I missed my time with Dominic and my time with our dog, but I knew, or at least had heard, that things would get better. When Dominic went back to work I remember wanting to be the one who was going back. Around this time I began to pray that if this was what I was supposed to be doing that God would change me.
Now, I can't imagine life any other way. I know for sure that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I want to be the one praticing language with Lincoln, doing exercises with him, and feeding him. I've even started to enjoy taking care of the house which is a miracle in and of itself.
Of course I am a little sentimental around this time of year with school starting up again, but it doesn't mean I don't love what I am doing. God has given me a gift and it is my job to take care of it (him). I'm sure when I visit my school in the future I will get questioned about whether or not I made the right decision. Now I can say with confidence, I did!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

We might have a schedule!

For the last three days we have been on a good schedule. It's the first time Lincoln has done this for more than two days in a row. He is so much happier when we do the Eat, Play, Sleep cycle and having a consistent schedule makes this possible. The past 3 days have gone like this:
7:30 Morning Feeding followed by language practice with mom (fancy title for we make sounds at each other while his stomach settles)
8:30 Bouncy Seat Play time while Mommy gets ready for the day.
9:00 Playtime with Mommy-this might be rattles or his new favorite, Giddy Up and Go Gym.
9:30 Nap
10:30 Feeding followed by language practice.
11:30 Playtime in Bouncy Seat while Mommy quickly eats.
11:45 Playtime on my Giddy Up and Go mat. Exercise-Mommy holds my fingers as I grip them and she pulls me up from the floor (suggested in Pediatrician's manual).
12:30sh Nap with Mommy
2:30 Feeding followed by language practice.
3:30 Playtime same activities.
4:30 Nap
5:30 Feeding
6:30 Playtime with Daddy!
7:30 Nap
8:15 Bath
8:30 Feeding
9:00 To Bed

During my 11th week I...

discovered Buddy.
cried because Buddy looked scary.
moved my legs in a crawling motion.
reached out to grab things.
flipped my bird (there is a bird in his bouncy seat that spins and makes the music and waterfall play).
enjoyed looking in the mirror with Daddy.
rolled over from my back to my tummy.
Started sleeping for nine hours!


Sunday, August 03, 2008

During my 9th and 10th weeks I...

slept in my crib.
went to the doctor and weighed 12 pounds 8 ounces and grew to 23.5 inches (75th percentile).
rolled to my side from my back.
practiced my language skills a lot with Mommy.
started grabbing Mommy's hair.
threw my rattles.
invented a sure way to get my thumb in my mouth-drag my hand down from my forehead until my thumb lands in there.
really enjoyed my Giddy Up and Go Gym (thanks Andrea).
grew more hair.
lifted my head up 90 degrees while on my stomach.
