They warned me, but I guess I really didn't listen. I was not aware of the amount of laundry it takes to get ready for a baby to live in our home. I think I have done about 6 loads this week, and I'm not even finished! Blankets, sheets, mattress pads, bassinet pads, onesies, rompers, overalls, shorts, pants, stuffed animals, diapers, hooded towels, washcloths, etc. Now in fairness, I have mixed some of our towels and a few clothing items in the piles, but most of this was Bean's stuff. I am so thankful that I have had at least one week to get ready for his arrival. I certainly would not want to be doing this after bringing him home. Now for the important things like learning how to care for Bean. I plan to finish reading So That's What They're For, Baby Wise, Effective Parenting in a Defective World, and any other babycare books I can get my hands on.