Friday, February 15, 2008

The Battle Part I

We are fighting a battle right now. It has been rising to the surface for the past couple years and this week it reared its ugly head. We knew it would finally manifest some day, and Thursday was that day.
We are battling our Homeowners Association Board.
On Thursday, our HOA sent out a letter regarding their desire for speed bumps in our neighborhood. They actaully stated that we "cannot stand idly by and allow any of our children to be maimed or killed by a speeding driver".
We really do support the safety of children, but the way the Board has gone about this project is the real problem. A couple members got together and decided they wanted speed bumps in the neighborhood to punish the speeding drivers. When they came up with a map of speed bumps, their homes conveniently had speed bumps in close proximity. These members are the kind people who think children should be allowed to play safely in the middle of the street. These members would hear nothing from the opposition and even said that we could not understand because we do not have children. They are trying to impose fear and guilt in the residents to pass their own agenda.
In response we began to fight back. We created a flyer and posted it on the mailboxes stating that we are against speed bumps and in favor of Emergency Response, Parent Accountability, and Fiscal Responsibility. Oh, I failed to mention that our association is having trouble even getting people to pay their dues with deliquency and foreclosures and yet they want to spend $10,000.
The flyers were removed while other homeowners flyers were able to remain.
I put them up again


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